Jackson County Horseman's Association

Welcome To JCHA In Beautiful Southern Oregon!
What's Coming Up In JCHA
February 12, 2025- 2025 Board of Directors Installation & Dessert Potluck at the IOOF Hall,1130 Hazel St, Central Point. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing & dessert potluck, please bring something to share, club will provide drinks and table service, the regular membership meeting begins promptly at 7:00pm. JCHA members, their guests and potential new members are welcome.
Did you know there's a club photo gallery filled with fun and exciting pictures of past JCHA events, it's club members and those who participated. So be sure to check them out...
(Not JCHA related. For more info check Facebook & the Internet)
March 9, ​Trail Dust Gymkhana, @The Expo
March 21-23, Northwest Horse Fair & Expo, Albany
​May 3-4, Bill Richey De-Spooking Clinic, 4G's Ranch, Eagle Point
May 15-17, Central Point Wild Rogue Pro Rodeo, @The Expo
June 6-8, Western States Horse Expo, Sacramento, CA
June 12-15, RRHA Ranch & Reining Show Series, @The Expo
June 20-21, Rogue Riders, Pacific Crest Endurance Rides, Lily Glen Horse Camp.
September 10-13, Pendleton Roundup, Pendleton
September 13, Empty Saddles Poker Chip Lingo Ride, Pacifica in Williams